ProBender 35t Powered Bender – NZ Innovation

(Copy care of New Zealand Engineering News – May 2019)
The engineering trades will know Auckland-based Company R.R. Bramley as a supplier of Fabrication Equipment and Engineering Machines throughout New Zealand and Australia.
The company is consistently keeping up with new technology and Innovation for new products to bring to the New Zealand market. There came a need for a Machine with higher Capacities for Metal
Fabrication and the Team at Bramleys headed by Brooke Walker set to design a new and functional machine for the job.
The parameters were about increasing Steel bending capacities in bending and forming. Not only did this machine have to increase bending thicknesses (see specs below) but incorporate other uses for the machine. The sound backing from the qualified staff at Bramleys worked out Ram Force and Pump requirements.
After the initial design, build and testing stage the team moved on to the design of Accessories to complement the operation of the Probender. It was very easy to saddle up the existing Pipe Bender that Bramley has produced consistently over the last 20 years and with some slight tweaks enable Pipe Bending from ½ to 2 “ capacity with 2-1/2 to 3 inch in the design process.
The recipe for the company’s success in design and development, says GM Rick Ellis, has been the great team loyalty, with an average 20 years of service in staff across factory, sales and administration teams.
Currently under design and testing are the accessories:
- 2 to 3 inch Pipe Bending
- Bar Straightening Attachment
- Re-Bar Bending Attachment
- Shear and Cropping
- Notching
The Capacities are as Listed:
- Flat Bar: 100 x 12mm with the standard former, and 75 x 16mm / 50 x 20mm with the optional larger former (P8804L
- Square Bar: 25 x 25mm
- Round Bar: Ø25mm
- Simple but effective in use.
- Increased bending capability due to structure design.
- User friendly operation accompanied by factual operating manual.
- Pipe Bending Attachment available
- Re-Bar Bending attachment available